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How to Use RAMP?
We invite you to answer the following question: “How can I engage my individual client and other relevant parties so that RAMP best benefit the client, in considerations of their unique needs and circumstances?”
Ask your client whether they have used e-mental health tools before, especially those that are similar to RAMP.
Explore which ones they’ve previously used and what they like or not like about the tools. It might also be beneficial to identify the tools they have heard of but decided not to use and the reasonings behind that decision. If they have not used any of the e-mental health tools, explore why this is so and debunk any myths where appropriate, and address any concerns they may have.
If your client is receptive of these types of tools, inform your patients about RAMP, its purposes, why it might be beneficial for each of your clients as they pursue their own unique therapeutic journey. (Note: You can refer to other sections of this toolkit for information on what RAMP is and its purposes and benefits is provided in this toolkit.)

Explore how your involvement in the delivery of RAMP would look like and outline the support you will provide your clients in relations to the implementation of RAMP.
Work collaboratively with your client to establish a schedule: Together with you client, come up with a timeline of the use of RAMP that is most appropriate for each client's unique situation.
Present the plan for alternative or additional referral in the event RAMP is not suitable or effective
Reassure your patients that if RAMP does not support their journey, they are not forced to use it and present other options that might be better suited for their case.
Inform your client of the achievement badges integrated into RAMP. This is designed to encourage and empower users to take actions by completing modules and setting tasks and goals. Ultimately, moving closer to their therapeutic goals.
Relate RAMP to your client by using terms such as “Your records”, “Your goals”, “your risk assessment data”, “your life chart” and invite your client to view their electronic data with you (e.g. reading and analyzing the life chart graphs). This empowers your client to take control over their own data, see how they have changed and make action plans to move closer to their goals while encourages the use of RAMP.

Create a collaborative system in which your client's primary, specialty and acute care providers (where applicable) have access to the client's records and use electronic solutions to allow more efficient coordination between members' of the client's care team. Please keep in mind that data should be used only where necessary and with the client's consent.
You can use RAMP to help patients build their own community of support.
With your client's consent, the data essential for their treatment will be share among providers and non-provider members of the client's care team. Please be upfront with them about and address any concerns that may arise, ideally right from the beginning. Your clients should have full control over their privacy.